Create users

Step 1: Open AD Users and Computers Snap-in

Open AD Users and Computers snap-in from Server Manager. You can also open AD Users and Computers snap-ins by typing dsa.msc on RUN program. You can open RUN application pressing [Windows Key] + [R] on keyboard.

Step 2: Create an Organizational Unit

Organizational Unit or simply OU is a container object of AD domain which can hold users, computers, and other objects. Basically, you create user accounts and computers inside an OU. I will create an OU named Management. Right-click domain in AD users and Computers, choose New and click Organizational Unit.

Type Management to name the OU. Check the Protect container from accidental deletion option. This option will protect this object from accidental deletion.

Create New Users in Default Users Organizational Unit

Once your new OU has been created, you can create users under that OU. As I mentioned, you can always bypass this step and create users in the default Users OU.
To create a new user, right click the OU you want to place the user in and navigate to Newand click on User.
 Windows New User
At the next window, fill out the necessary details on the user as shown below and click Nextwhen you’re finished.
Windows user information
Now you will need to specify a Password for your user.
Active Directory user password
Also please be mindful of special characters to satisfy the complex password needs. For the sake of SharePoint user purposes, you will need to ensure you uncheck “User must change password at next logon”. If you leave this option checked, the user will have issues logging into SharePoint. One recommendation we have for hosted environments is that you check “Password never expires”. If not, your user has the potential to lock themselves out and you will need to manually unlock their account. Click Next when you’re finished.
You will then be presented with a summary of the account details:
Windows user summary
Click Finish and you’ll see the new user created under the OU.
Active Directory New User
Hopefully this has helped you add users in Active Directory on Windows Server 2012. Please stay tuned for my next blog explaining how to add users in SharePoint 2013 and, in the meantime, let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to help yourself to this complimentary SharePoint Health Report to ensure you’re getting the most out of your environment!

Create a user using cmd

Press (Windows+R) and type "cmd"

Now Type in CMD
dsadd user cn=(your name),cn=(ou name),dc=(your domain name before dot.),dc=(domain name after the dot.)   and press enter
Your user is added. By default it is disabled to active the user type again
net user (your user name) / active          and press enter

If you want to set password of user just type   -pwd (your password ) at the end of user creater command

Password must change at next login just type at the end   -mustchpwd  and press enter

Create Users Using Bulk Import

Open Notepad and type "dn,objectclass,samaccountname,useraccountcontrol

dn = Use for destination like "cn=wajahat,ou=mcse,dc=corvit,dc=com"

objectclass = Which class it belongs e.g it is a user

samaccountname = Name which will shows in ADDS

useraccountcontrol = control user if you want to enable that user type"512" if you want to disable type"514"

Click on file and then click on "save as"

Save it where you want name it what you want but at the end of name type .csv   "comma script value"
for example i save it at desktop and name it user.csv

Now you can see in the properties it is .csv file

Copy form desktop

Now go to c:/Windows:NTDS

And paste it here

Open CMD and type "cd.."

Then type" cd windows"

Type "dir" to see the directory in this windows folder you can see NTDS folder

Now you can see there are only 4 users

 Type "cd ntds" then type "csvde -i -f (your file name) user.csv"
When it will succeed

 You can see your new added users in ADDS users and computer

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